Aerial shot of Montclair State University's campus.

Jonathan Koppell – Curriculum Vitae 2021

Leadership And Administrative Positions

2021 – Present
President, Montclair State University
Chief executive officer of New Jersey’s second-largest university, an R2 research institution ranked in the top tier of national universities. Leads a University that serves 21,000 students in 10 colleges and schools offering more than 300 doctoral, master’s and baccalaureate programs.
2020 – 2021
Vice-Provost for Public Service and Social Impact, Arizona State University
Provide university-wide leadership to advance the efforts of all units working to further the third leg of ASU’s Charter which states that the university measures its success by the well-being of the communities it serves. That includes advancing two broad strategic goals: expanding and enhancing service programs and opportunities for all ASU students; and advancing social embeddedness of all university units. Includes overseeing Changemaker Central, Devils in Disguise and University Service Learning. Responsible for reporting to the Carnegie Classifications of Institutions of Higher Education. Oversee personnel devoted to social embeddedness, service and impact efforts and co-chair the President’s Community Council.
2016 – 2021
Senior Advisor to the Provost, Arizona State University
Responsible for coordinating all university partnerships in the City of Phoenix, Arizona, a key strategic partner for Arizona State University. Taking advantage of deep ties and knowledge of city leadership and issues, the role calls for coordinating the myriad academic engagements from across the University to drive transformational outcomes in the nation’s fifth largest city.
2011 – 2021
Dean, Watts College of Public Service & Community Solutions, Arizona State University
Lead and oversee all functions of the nation’s largest comprehensive public affairs college, comprised of four schools – including highly-ranked programs in public policy, criminal justice, social work, nonprofit leadership, parks and recreation management, and economic and community development – as well as multiple interdisciplinary programs (including emergency management and homeland security, program evaluation and data analytics). The College has more than 250 full-time faculty and staff of 350 with an annual budget exceeding $65 million. The College has three campus locations (Phoenix, Tucson and Hainan, China) and operates in multiple additional locations and robust online and remote learning offerings. With more than 25 research centers, the College has annual externally funded activity in excess of $32 million.
Role includes responsibility for all academic programs and administrative functions including budget, finance, personnel, marketing and communications, degree programs, student success, faculty recruiting and development, research advancement, community engagement and development.
During tenure as dean, diversity and quality of faculty, student body and leadership have improved as enrollment, research funding and fundraising have all more than doubled. In fall 2018, College was re-named reflecting a $30 million philanthropic investment, one of the largest in history of Arizona State University. This gift from Cindy and Mike Watts solidified the unifying identity and mission that had been created for a previously nondescript unit.
More than 9,000 students are enrolled across 30+ degree programs at the undergraduate, graduate and doctoral levels. The College’s student population is the most diverse at the University (i.e., 63% of its undergraduates are Pell eligible, more than half are first-generation college students; the only majority-minority college at ASU). Student achievement and rates of retention (86%) and graduation (64%) have increased markedly in the last five years directly linked to innovations in advising and student support.
More than twenty new degree programs created or introduced in online format in the last five years (including new offerings in emergency management and homeland security, program evaluation, community advocacy and social policy) expanding the scope of academic programs. These include previously non-existent “college-wide majors” that draw upon the offerings and expertise of multiple schools and their faculties. In just five years, EMHS was ranked #1 in the country. Created and implemented the “Solution-Based Learning” requirement in every degree program that stipulates a hands-on pedagogy across majors and transforms the College’s student body into a “Community Solutions Cooperative” addressing pressing challenges in the community through work integrated into their courses. The College manages over 1,000 ongoing relationships with community partners to facilitate this distinctive approach. Multiple international partnerships launched to expand reach and create research and learning opportunities.
Increased fundraising to exceed $10 million annually including major gifts to create the Pastor Center for Politics and Public Service, the Kyl Center for Water Policy, and the ASU Public Service Academy, university-wide initiatives that promote public service and civic engagement amongst all ASU students. Regularly engaged in university initiatives – currently including launch of new Los Angeles campus, expanded China efforts, and providing educational opportunities for incarcerated individuals – as well as fundraising activities.
Leads efforts on civic engagement and social embeddedness including the recent launch of the Homelessness Action Nexus, a philanthropically-funded effort to coordinate governmental and nonprofit efforts directed at central policy challenge. Previously, “Opportunities for Youth,” an intergovernmental initiative to reach unemployed young people was saved from collapse and moved into Watts College; it is now thriving.
The College’s research profile has grown more than fifty-percent to exceed $32 million in externally-funded annual expenditures including highly successful centers focused on salient areas (e.g., health equity, public policy, philanthropy and nonprofit management, public safety, behavioral health and policy informatics). Additionally, the College has created a variety of new research centers in emergency management, child well-being, science, technology and environmental policy, organizational design, and problem-oriented policing, Recruited more than 50 tenure-track faculty in the last four years increasing faculty diversity in the process.
Provide university-level leadership on multiple initiatives including the creation of the Public Service Academy, creation of Arizona Governance and Policy Academy, numerous partnerships with local, state, federal government entities including Arizona Governor and legislature as well as tribal and municipal entities.
Director, School of Public Affairs, Arizona State University
Oversaw a critical transition period – with more than 50% turnover in faculty due to retirements, departures and additions – to transform national standing of the school. Ranked 27th at the beginning of tenure and rising to 9th in the country (in addition to top ten in most subfields). Responsibility for all school functions including personnel, recruiting, staffing, program administration, faculty evaluation, and budgeting.
Launched undergraduate program (“Public Service and Public Policy”) which has grown from zero to more than 700 students in five years and features concentrations that link the school to programs around the university. Oversaw curriculum review and update in MPA and MPP programs. Moved degree programs into online formats to increase accessibility. Recruited and hired numerous nationally-prominent scholars while retaining key individuals and increasing faculty diversity.
Strengthened and launched centers covering a range of key areas including professional education in public management (Bob Ramsey Executive Education), local government, participatory governance, and organization research and design. Renewed pivotal relationship with “Alliance for Innovation,” a unique partnership between ASU and International City Management Association.
Increased collaboration with other units at ASU through participation in university initiatives including the design and launch of the McCain Institute for Global Leadership, support of the Decision Theater, creation of multiple joint degree programs at the graduate and undergraduate levels.
Director, Associate Director, Millstein Center for Corporate Governance & Performance, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut

Academic And Research Positions

2021 – present
Professor, Political Science
2010 – 2021
Lattie and Elva Coor Presidential Chair and Professor of Public Administration and Policy, Arizona State University
Associate Professor of Politics & Management, Yale School of Management, Yale University
Assistant Professor of Political Science, by courtesy, Yale University
Assistant Professor of Politics, Policy & Organization, Yale School of Management, Yale University
Fulbright Lecturer, Professor of Public Administration and Public Policy, Fudan University, Shanghai, People’s Republic of China
Markle Fellow, New America Foundation, Washington, DC
Guest Scholar, Brookings Institution, Washington, DC
Research Assistant, Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight, Washington, D.C.


Ph.D., Political Science
University of California, Berkeley, California
M.A., Political Science
University of California, Berkeley, California
A.B. magna cum laude, Government
Harvard College, Cambridge, Massachusetts

Awards and Honors

Most Admired Leaders, Phoenix Business Journal
Dr. Manuel Servin Faculty Award presented by ASU Chicano/Faculty & Staff Association recognizing “Mentorship of Hispanic students, Leadership at ASU/the Community, and Community service.”
Herbert A. Simon Book Award for World Rule by the American Political Science Association’s Section on Public Administration
Faculty Associate Appointment, Governance, Environment & Markets (GEM) Initiative, Yale University
Inducted Fellow of National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA)
Charles H. Levine Prize awarded for World Rule by the International Political Science Association, Organized Section on Structure of Governance.
Best Book of 2010 by Academy of Management Section on Public and Nonprofit Management for World Rule.

Editorial Board Memberships

Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, Journal of Asian Business Studies, Journal of International Organization Studies; Series on Transnational Administration and Global Policy with Bristol University Press.

Civic Leadership

2019 – 2021
Member, Leadership Council, Home Matters to Arizona
Statewide effort to fund affordable housing with community development focus. Capital raised from insurance and financial institutions.
2015 – present
President, Member, Board of Directors, Human Services Campus, Inc.
The Human Services Campus, located in Downtown Phoenix, is by far the largest provider of service to individuals experiencing homelessness in the state of Arizona. As President, Koppell oversees complex organization that manages a collaborative partnership of 16 independent nonprofit organizations addressing all needs including, shelter, medical, dental, job counseling, and case management. President is ultimately responsible for an annual budget exceeding $5 million, development efforts, managing relationships with city, county and state governments and all regulatory and legal compliance in operations of the Human Services Campus and the Maricopa Country Coordinated Entry System for Homeless Adults.
2015 – 2021
Member, Chair, Leadership Council, Opportunities for Youth, Maricopa County
Opportunities for Youth (OFY) was created as a backbone organization consistent with collective impact model of social organization. Focused on the challenge of disengagement among 16-24 year-olds, OFY was launched as a public-private partnership with City/Country governments backed by corporate sponsors. When the initiative foundered, Koppell assumed leadership and ultimately moved the organization to Watts College while revitalized the community leadership council and dramatically boosting participation and efficacy. Funding is entirely philanthropic.
2014 – 2021
Member, Board of Directors, Arizona MultiBank, CDFI Arizona Advisory Committe
2014 – 2020
Member, Vice-chair, Chair, Board of Directors, Local First Arizona Foundation
Local First Arizona is a nationally-prominent local business promotion organization. As head of the Foundation, Koppell advanced programs that supported entrepreneurship in the Latino community, rural development initiatives and other programs emphasizing economic and civic empowerment.
2013 – 2019
Member, Board of Advisors, Center for the Future of Arizona
2010 – Present
Member, Board of Advisors, Morrison Institute for Public Policy
2010 – 2013
Member, Board of Directors, Alliance for Innovation
2004 – 2010
Member, Chair, City of New Haven Development Commission
Member, New Haven Coliseum Redevelopment Review Committee
2005 – 2011
Member, Advisory Council, Small Business Majority



Koppell, Jonathan GS. World Rule: Legitimacy, Accountability and the Design of Global Governance, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2010.

Koppell, Jonathan GS. The Politics of Quasi-Government: Hybrid Organizations and the Dynamics of Bureaucratic Control, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003.

Koppell, Jonathan GS., (Ed.) Origins of Shareholder Advocacy. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011.

Book Chapters

Koppell, Jonathan GS., “Global rulemaking and institutional forms” In Public Administration in the Context of Global Governance. Edited by Soonhee Kim, Shena Ashley and W. Henry Lambright, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2014.

Koppell, Jonathan GS., “Accountable Global Governance Organizations” In Oxford Handbook of Public Accountability. Edited by Mark Bovens, Robert E. Goodin, and Thomas Schillemans, UK: Oxford University Press, 2014

Koppell, Jonathan GS. “Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers.” In Handbook Transnational Governance: Institutions and Innovations. Edited by Thomas Hale and David Held, 176-181. Malden: Polity Press, 2011.

Koppell, Jonathan GS. “International Standards Organization.” In Handbook Transnational Governance: Institutions and Innovations. Edited by Thomas Hale and David Held, 289-294. Malden: Polity Press, 2011.

Koppell, Jonathan GS. “Shareholder Advocacy and the Development of the Corporation: The Timeless Dilemmas of an Age-old Solution.” In Origins of Shareholder Advocacy. Edited by Jonathan Koppell, 1-28. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011.

Koppell, Jonathan GS. “Accountability for Global Governance Organizations.” In Accountable Governance: Problems and Promises. Edited by George Frederickson, and Melvin Dubnick, 55-78. Armonk: M.E. Sharpe, 2011.

Koppell, Jonathan GS. “Metaphors and the Development of American Bureaucracy”. In the Oxford Handbook of American Bureaucracy. Edited by Robert Durant, 128-150. New York: Oxford University Press, 2010.

Koppell, Jonathan GS. and Ron Feldman “Congressional Oversight of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac: Does Their GSE Structure Matter?” In Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac: Public Purposes and Private Interests. Edited by Peter Wallison. Washington D.C.: American Enterprise Institute Press, 1999.

Refereed Journal Articles and Academic Publications

Koppell, Jonathan GS. and Jennifer C. Auer. “Is There a Spirit of Governance?” Public Administration Review, 72(s1) (2012): 24-33.

Koppell, Jonathan GS. “Administration without borders.” Public Administration Review 70.s1 (2010): 46-55.

Levin, Kelly, Benjamin Cashore, and Jonathan GS Koppell. “Can non-state certification systems bolster state-centered efforts to promote sustainable development through the clean development mechanism.” Wake Forest L. Rev. 44 (2009): 777.

Koppell, Jonathan GS. “Global governance organizations: Legitimacy and authority in conflict.” Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 18.2 (2008): 177-203.

Koppell, Jonathan GS. “Political Control for China’s State‐Owned Enterprises: Lessons from America’s Experience with Hybrid Organizations.” Governance 20.2 (2007): 255-278.

Koppell, Jonathan GS. “Reform in lieu of change: Tastes great, less filling.” Public Administration Review 66.1 (2006): 20-23.

Koppell, Jonathan GS. “Pathologies of accountability: ICANN and the challenge of “multiple accountabilities disorder”.” Public Administration Review 65.1 (2005): 94-108.

Koppell, Jonathan GS, and Jennifer A. Steen. “The effects of ballot position on election outcomes.” Journal of Politics 66.1 (2004): 267-281.

Koppell, Jonathan GS. “Hybrid organizations and the alignment of interests: The case of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.” Public Administration Review 61.4 (2001): 468-482.

Koppell, Jonathan GS. “The challenge of administration by regulation: preliminary findings regarding the US government’s venture capital funds.” Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 9.4 (1999): 641-666.

La Raja, Ray, Jonathan Koppell, and Christine Trost. Cashing in on the Campaign: The Personal Use of Campaign Funds in California. Institute of Governmental Studies, University of California, (1998).

Book Reviews

Review of “Who Governs the Globe? by Deborah D. Avant, Martha Finnemore, and Susan K. Sell (eds). New York: Cambridge University Press, (2010) and The New Global Rulers: The Privatization of Regulation in the World Economy by Tim Büthe and Walter Mattli. Princeton: Princeton University Press, (2011)” Perspectives on Politics 11.01 (2013): 222-224.

Review of “Understanding Institutional Diversity by Elinor Ostrom.” Political Science Quarterly 121.2 (2006): 365-367.

Review of “Rules for the World: International Organizations in Global Politics by Michael Barnett and Martha Finnemore.” Yale J. International Affairs 1 (2005): 192.

Commentary and Op-ed Articles

Koppell, Jonathan. “How Biden can restore the economy and much more: the case for national service,” Government Executive, March 10, 2021.

Koppell, Jonathan. “If Frederick Douglas could get past this sacrilege in our capitol, we can too,” Arizona Republic, January 14, 2021.

Koppell, Jonathan. “We’re never satisfied. That may be our greatest strength,” Arizona Republic, October 29, 2019.

Koppell, Jonathan. “Our military is important but not all that makes us powerful,” Arizona Republic, October 22, 2019.

Koppell, Jonathan. “Why rigid ideology is so dangerous for America,” Arizona Republic, October 15, 2019.

Koppell, Jonathan. “Why America can’t ignore its past – or fear the future,” Arizona Republic, October 8, 2019.

Koppell, Jonathan. “Why absolute power is so dangerous,” Arizona Republic, October 1, 2019.

Koppell, Jonathan. “Why economic and political freedom are so closely connected,” Arizona Republic, September 24, 2019.

Koppell, Jonathan. “What makes us American? It’s a question we need to ask now,” Arizona Republic, September 17, 2019.

Koppell, Jonathan. “We make deals with the devil sometimes. It’s what makes America great,” Arizona Republic, September 12, 2019.

Koppell, Jonathan. “Your rights are important, but so is community,” Arizona Republic, September 5, 2019.

Koppell, Jonathan. “Americans celebrate getting rich, not being rich. Here’s why,” Arizona Republic, August 29, 2019.

Koppell, Jonathan. “What makes us American? It’s a question we need to ask now,” Arizona Republic, August 26, 2019.

Koppell, Jonathan. “One of the largest gifts ever given to ASU will make you optimistic about the future,” Arizona Republic, September 30, 2018.

Koppell, Jonathan GS. “Cloning Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac,” Wall Street Journal, (December 28, 2009)

Koppell, Jonathan GS. and Jennifer Steen. “A Loss of Senate democracy” Albany Times-Union (October 1, 2009)

Koppell, Jonathan GS. “President Must Outline Larger Vision.” Hartford Courant (September 9, 2009)

Koppell, Jonathan GS. “Government in the Boardroom.” Economic Times of India (February 7, 2008)

Koppell, Jonathan GS. “Have Global Capital Markets Shifted?” Q4 (Fall 2008)

Koppell, Jonathan GS. and William N. Goetzmann “The Trickle-up Bailout” The Washington Post (October 1, 2008)

Koppell, Jonathan GS. “A Failure Tax” The New York Times (September 18, 2008)

Koppell, Jonathan GS. “Uncle Sam, Subprime Borrower,” The Wall Street Journal, (July 26, 2008)

Koppell, Jonathan GS. “Follow the Loan Money” The New York Times (December 26, 2004)

Koppell, Jonathan GS. “Your Ad Here” The Industry Standard (February 5, 2001)

Koppell, Jonathan GS. “Governed from cyberspace” The Australian Financial Review (November 20, 2000)

Koppell, Jonathan GS. “How Connecticut Created Electoral College Confusion …” Hartford Courant (November 12, 2000)

Koppell, Jonathan GS. “Some States Are More Equal Than Others” Los Angeles Times (November 9, 2000)

Koppell, Jonathan GS. “In Postmodern Politics, Style Is Substance” Los Angeles Times (October 30, 2000)

Koppell, Jonathan GS. “Bad Boys” The Industry Standard (October 24, 2000)

Koppell, Jonathan GS. “No ‘There’ There” The Atlantic Monthly (August 2000)

Koppell, Jonathan GS. “New World Order” The Industry Standard (August 28, 2000)

Koppell, Jonathan GS. “On the Internet, There’s No Place to Hide” The Industry Standard (June 19, 2000)

Koppell, Jonathan GS. “The New Politics” The Industry Standard (April 17, 2000)

Koppell, Jonathan. GS. “Disappearing Borders in an Internet World” (March 9, 2000)

Koppell, Jonathan. GS. “Where’s the Revolution,” The Industry Standard (March 7, 2000)

Koppell, Jonathan. GS. “Security and the Internet: Don’t Tread on Freedom” The Wall Street Journal (February 17, 2000)

Koppell, Jonathan. GS. “Big Government” The Industry Standard (February 5, 2000)

Koppell, Jonathan. GS. “When Private Hands Do the Public’s Work” The Los Angeles Times (December 21, 1999)

Research and Teaching Fields

Global governance, organizational design and administration, social enterprise, financial markets and regulation, quasi-government, public management, public policy

Courses Taught


National Service and American Democracy (supported by Service Year Alliance and offered through Global Freshman Academy), Public Service and Public Policy in the Twenty-first Century; Contemporary Policy Issues: Lessons from Leaders; Introduction to Public Affairs


Managing Organizational Politics; Corporate Social Responsibility: Managing Social Ventures; Emerging Market MBA Study Trip: India; Public Use of the Private Sector; Politics and Policy in the United States; Strategic Environment of Internet Commerce; Strategic Environment of Management; Global Business Study Trip: Russia and Norway

Executive Education

Extensive teaching of executive education programs for senior leaders of global companies, government agencies, transnational rulemaking bodies and non-profit organizations.

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